What is Coaching?
I believe in living our lives LIFESIDE OUT! What does that mean exactly? Simply stated it means overcoming our natural tendency to live within the confines of our “comfort zone.” Coaching, or Life coaching as some call it, is a profession that is different from therapy, psychotherapy, mentoring, or counseling. The coaching process addresses specific areas such as personal challenges, business challenges, general obstacles and transitions a persons personal life, relationships or profession. This is done by examining what’s going on currently, and together, discovering what obstacles or challenges might be holding the person back! Then the coach and the client develop a MAP (Massive Action Plan – Tony Robbins) by choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be.
How Does LifeSide Out Coaching Work?
Coaching can take many different forms, but the usual format is as follows:
A Complimentary Coaching Consultation
Program or “Flow” Assessment
One 60 minute phone call per week (will include some homework)
Unlimited Email support
Weekly check-in calls
LifeSide Out Coaching is a partnership or relationship between the coach and the client. This relationship is designed to continually give the power and responsibility, to follow through, to the client. You know the answers to every question or challenge you may have in your life, even if you are not aware of it. Your coach’s job is to help you find the answers that already exist in your sub-conscious mind. My skill lies in knowing the right questions to ask and having the right tools and techniques to empower you to find those answers within yourself.
You, are the only one in your life that truly knows who you are and what you need. You are the only expert who can decide what is absolutely best for you. I am here to push you and to get you out of your head! As your coach, I will help you discover when you are in “Flow”, and where you currently are on your life blueprint. A huge part of coaching is helping you determine your current location on your life MAP and to help you get to where you want to be. If you do not know where you are in your life’s MAP, you can never get to the place you want to go.
Every day we, as human beings, make choices of what we will, and will not, do in our life. These choices may be large and life changing.. OR they may be small and seemingly insignificant. However, each one has an effect that makes our lives more fulfilling or less fulfilling, more balanced or less balanced, and make our process of living more effective or less effective. LifeSide Out helps you learn how to make choices that create an effective, balanced and fulfilling life.
I can help you connect your head to your heart and your conscious mind to your sub-conscious mind, in a way that transforms your thoughts, passion, and your dreams into life changing action!
I am highly trained, have all the papers on the wall, and have been “through the wringer” in my own life, but that’s not why I can help you. I can help you because of one reason above all else… I CARE! I can coach you on any aspect of life. However, I choose to specialize in one or more of the following areas :
Confidence & Self Esteem
Relationship Development
Pre-marital Coaching
Career Coaching
Balancing Life, Work, and Personal Needs
Marriage & Communication
Finding And Living Your Purpose
Managing Anger, Upsets, Frustration and Stress
Grief, Loss, Sadness and Change
Personal Identity
There is a lot of truth in the old saying “Sometimes you just cannot see the forrest for the trees.” More often than not, we need an outside perspective to help us gain clarity in situations that are near and dear to us. That is the purpose I will serve as your coach.
My approach is always going to be based on the positive. Unlike traditional therapy, I do not focus on the negative events or emotions in your life. Traditional therapy wants you to delve deep into what makes you sad, angry, depressed or overwhelmed! Although it is important to know these things, traditional therapy causes you to re-live, those negative emotions! It’s not their fault! Its just the training they have. I do things differently. We identify the cause of those negative circumstances and quickly move into the positive!
I am far less interested in making you relive the negative in your life as I am helping you look towards your compelling future! We ALL have a compelling future! Sometimes.. we just need a little help recognizing it! Are you ready to get on with the rest of your life?
Guy Michaels, BCH, CHt, Rev.
Founder – The MICHAELS Way
Renew You: Love Your Life, is a transformation 90 day coaching program that drills down to the core of what motivates us. You deserve to wake up each morning look forward to the day ahead. This transformational coaching program is the tool you need to hit the REFRESH button!
Month 1: DISCOVER WHAT MAKES YOUR HEART SING! – Connect with your joy and vitality.
Month 2: SPRING CLEAN YOUR LIFE! – Let go of toxic relationships and energy zappers.
Month 3: CREATE STRONG GOALS & SUPPORTIVE HABITS! – Set yourself up for success.
Hourly Coaching & Short Term Coaching
Sometimes, we just need someone to bring a new perspective to our life. Someone who can look at things from the outside and help us to see potential hazards and obstacles that we cannot see. Along with my 90 program, Renew You: Love Your Life!, I have many clients who schedule time with me simply on an hourly basis. Some schedule every week, some every month. If you are unable (or unwilling) to commit to our 90 day program, THIS IS THE OPTION FOR YOU!
More Information
“Renew You was an amazing experience for my and my husband! We went through the program separately and we are so glad we did! We each had our own journey to follow, which ended up bringing us so much closer together! I would highly recommend this program to ANYONE who is wanting to take their life to the next level!”
Kristi Kessel