The Prince Of Egypt is a movie that Dreamworks SKG put out a while ago that was about the relationship between Moses and Pharaoh. Brothers, yet divided in their interests, the struggle was real and personal. In the movie, there is an encounter between Moses and Jethro (the father of his future bride) in which a song is performed. The name of the song is Through Heavens Eyes.
I won’t go into the lyrics of the entire song, but I will share with you a few lines from the song as it speaks to differences that we have regarding the view we hold of ourselves versus the view as God see’s us. We tend to view ourselves as small and insignificant while God sees us as the potential that he created us to be. If we can step away from the mirror for a moment and attempt to look at our life through Heavens eyes, I think we would see life in a whole new light. Here are a few lines that I would like to share with you…
“A single thread in a tapestry, though it’s color brightly shines, can never see it’s purpose in the pattern of the grand design.” – How many times in our life do we fail to see the “Big Picture”? We get caught up in the small details of life. As Tony Robbins says… we “Major in minor things!” How trues is that statement? Think about your own life for example. How many times have you gotten caught up in details that do not matter, and missed the message that was attempting to be communicated?
“There’s a stone that sits on the very top of a mountains mighty face, does it think it’s more important that the stones that form the base?” – How many times do we see someone in the spot light and we want to be like them? Celebrity, political figures, royalty, virtually anyone who is in the public eye is somehow deemed more important or significant than those in the background. I challenge you to think about the importance of the roll you play to those who love you and who you love. You may not be in the spotlight but think about this. Who would ANY hollywood celebrity be WITHOUT YOU? The people who go to see their movies? Who put stock into who they think they should be? Its the masses. the supporters, the givers, the unsung majority that make the rock at the top of the mountain shine. With them, there is no mountain for that “STAR” to sit upon!
“So how can we see what our life is worth, or where our value lies? You can never see with your eyes on Earth, you must look through Heavens eyes, look at your life, look at your life, look at your life through Heavens eyes!!” – Do you think that it’s possible that God sees us in a different way than we see ourselves? Do you think that we are, more often than not, our own worst enemy? True, we are weak, flawed and fall short of the mark every day. However, God knew that when He created us. So… why would God create us with these challenges? Because it is through our struggles and challenges that we truly see God for who he is and how he created us. It is through the stretching and shaping process that we think we are being punished, but from God’s perspective, we are being shaped into the true gem that God intended for us to be.
Just a thought….
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